Additional content for: Youth Protection
Child Safety and Internet Governance - a brief look back and forward
Jutta Croll, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Even in 2006, when the IGF itself was in its infancy, the topic of child safety and protection was on the agenda of the forum. Not necessarily as a top priority and not free of conflicts. Strategies targeted at the prevention of access to potentially harmful content for children were contentious and had its detractors from the Freedom of Speech Community. Through the years empowerment of children and youths for a safe and responsible usage of the Internet gained in importance.
Scientific studies
February 2017
KIM-Study 2016 - Childhood, Internet, Media
Baseline Study on the media usage of six to 13 year olds in Germany
Sabine Feierabend (SWR Medienforschung), Theresa Plankenhorn (LFK), Thomas Rathgeb (LFK), Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest (mpfs)
According to their own statements (assessments), 77 percent of all six to 13 year olds rarely use a desktop PC or laptop. The PC is used by all kids at home, and half sits in front of a PC when they are at a friend’s place. Yet, only two fifths use a PC in school. The probability of PC usage in school is significantly higher for older kids going to secondary school (Haupt-/Realschule: 53 %, Gymnasium: 56 %), than for kids going to primary school (27%).
Additional content for: Digital Games | Youth Protection | Digital Literacy | Media Usage | Social Media
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May 2017
Children´s and young people´s rights in the digital age
a series of articles in the SAGE journal; Vol 19, Issue 5, 2017
SAGE Journal, SAGE Journal
In Vol 19, Issue 5, 2017 of the SAGE Journal in the New Media & Society category, there are a number of contributions to children's rights in the digital age.
Additional content for: Accessibility | Digital Parenting | Vulnerable Children | Internet Governance | Internet Policy | Youth Protection | Media Education | Media Usage | Privacy | Sexting | Social Media | UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
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The Intelligent Risk Management Model
Centre for Child Protection on the Internet, I-KiZ - Zentrum für Kinderschutz im Internet
Based on the findings of the HBI, the I-KiZ works with an Intelligent Risk Management model for youth media protection. The model consists of an age-related concept designed both to avoid confronting children with harmful content and contacts, and to promote strategies to counter and deal with the same.
Official documents
Factsheet on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
European Commission, Europäische Kommission
The European Commission has worked out a fact sheet on the EU Data Protection Reform, which will take effect from 25 May 2018.
Additional content for: Age Threshold | Internet Policy | Youth Protection | Consumer Protection
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