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Published 27.07.22

Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth

Ansicht: Die Iberoamerikanische Jugendcharta

The OIJ is an international body composed of 21 Ibero-American countries. It was founded in 1992 to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the youth field among Ibero-American countries. In October 2005, the authorised delegates of the OIJ member states met in the Spanish city of Badajoz to adopt and sign the Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth.

The OIJ has 3 key objectives: the political promotion of the development of a public youth policy, the technical research of the different youth realities and the training of youth officials and representatives, and cooperation through the promotion of projects to integrate young people at national and regional levels. The Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth plays an integrating and promoting role in these three objectives.

The Convention is seen in addition to the instruments of international human rights law and is justified by the need for young people to have the commitment and legal bases that recognise, guarantee and protect their rights.

This text is only available in Spanish.

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