UNICEF 2022 Annual Report
UNICEF published an annual report documenting their work and their achievements in 2022. Here is some of what they accomplished:
- 356.3 million children under 5 - more than ever before - benefited from programmes to prevent malnutrition.
- 77.9 million children were vaccinated against measles.
- 37.9 million out-of-school children and adolescents accessed education.
- More than doubling the number of children, adolescents and caregivers provided with community-based mental health and psychosocial support services.
- 4.5 million children with disabilities were reached with disability-inclusive programmes.
- 39 million people were provided with water, sanitation or hygiene services in humanitarian emergencies.
The full report can be downloaded below. More information can be found on the UNICEF website.
Direct download (pdf, 5.826 MB)