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Published 26.11.18

Table of criteria: Typical Features of Manifestations of Posed Depictions

Children in Sexual Poses

Jutta Croll
Quelle: I-KIZ-Zentrum für Kinderschutz im Internet
Ansicht: Kriterienraster: Typische Merkmale der Erscheinungsformen von Posendarstellungen Kinder in sexuellen Posen

What are known as “posed depictions” are easy to find on the Internet and form a large of the grey area of sexual exploitation of children. In order to differentiate them clearly from harmless everyday depictions, the competence centre at jugendschutz.net has identified typical features. This was based on the COPINE scale. Based on approx. 1,000 websites and other online services containing posed depictions, the competence centre analyzed the pictures they presented, outlined typical manifestations and drew up a detailed set of criteria to simplify assessment. Using clear criteria makes it possible to determine whether the depiction of a posing child is in itself sexualized or is being used to pursue sexual interests.

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