"A botched job in Brussels" - Desiderata
John Carr
In his latest blog post, John Carr comments on the current status of the European Commission's proposal for a regulation to prevent and combat sexual violence against children online.
On the Concept of Personal Integrity in the German Protection of Minors
Torsten Krause, Yola Kretschmann, Aaron Yacob
With the 2. amendment of the Federal Youth Protection Act in Germany, the legislator has introduced the legal concept of personal integrity into the Youth Protection Act. The text presents an understanding of the protection objectives, which is derived from the justification for the reform and other developments in the field and results in the following definition: Personal integrity of children includes the protection of physical and psychological integrity as well as personal data. In particular, the age-appropriate and future-open development as well as the informational and sexual self-determination of minors must be ensured. The abuse of inexperience and age, economic exploitation and the commercial or other improper processing and dissemination of user data are, conversely, contrary to the protection of personal integrity.
Final Draft Global Age Assurance Standards Summit Communique
Global Age Assurance Standards Summit
The draft is a refexion of the "Global Age Assurance Standards Summit" project with regarding the development of the age verification procedure.
IGF 2023 Annual Meeting Summary Report
This is a summary of the 18th conference of the IGF (Internet Governance Forum) in 2023.
The Digital Services Act (DSA) explained
Measures to protect children and young people online
European Commission
This booklet explains in simple terms what the DSA has introduced to protect children and young people under the age of 18.
Strengthening Children's Rights through the Digital Services Act: Pathways to Best Practice Approaches
The purpose of this paper is to constructively follow the implementation of the new Digital Services Act (DSA) from a child rights perspective.
Protection of children against online sexual abuse
Flash Eurobarometer 532
European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs
The European Commission, Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, published a presentation on a survey on protecting children from sexual abuse on the Internet, which was conducted by Ipsos.
Child protection: The duty of platform providers
Kerstin Claus
In the current discussion on the EU Commission's Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) regulation, the German government's Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues, Kerstin Claus, has made clear she believes two sets of legal interests - child protection and data protection - are taken equally seriously and not played off against each other. Keeping children and young people safe online is a duty of Internet service providers, she says.
UNICEF 2022 Annual Report
UNICEF published an annual report documenting their work and their achievements in 2022.
Joint statement on the European Commission's draft regulation on child sexual abuse on the Internet
ECPAT Germany, Innocence in Danger, the German Children's Fund and the Digital Opportunities Foundation outlined their position on the EU regulation in a digital press conference on April 4. In their joint statement, which is based on the questionnaire of the Digital Committee of the German Bundestag, the organizations explain in detail that and how the protection of children from sexualized violence online and the right to privacy of all users can be realized in the digital environment.
Coverage of the Internet Governance Forum 2022
Summary of IGF materials: daily reports, interview with Jutta Croll, and session recordings.
Pacific Youth Charter
The Pacific Youth Charter covers the topics good governance, active citizenship, education and training, social and professional integration, sustainable development, cultural diversity, health, equality, and peace promotion
Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth
The Convention is seen in addition to the instruments of international human rights law and is justified by the need for young people to have the commitment and legal bases that recognise, guarantee and protect their rights
Legislating for the digital age - Global guide on improving legislative frameworks to protect children from online sexual exploitation and abuse
This report aims to provide guidance on how to strengthen legislative frameworks to protect children from online sexual exploitation and abuse in accordance with international and regional conventions, general comments and guidelines of treaty bodies, models laws and good practices
In our own words - children’s rights in the digital world
This is a child-friendly version of the General Comment on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment (2021). It was written by young people between the ages of 11-17 to make it easier for other young people to understand.
Video: In our own words
Young people from across the world provide an overview of the General comment and inform other children and young people about the rights that they have in a way that is easy to understand in a video published by the 5Rights foundation.
Our Rights in a Digital World
Many young people talked about their opinions on the topic of children's rights in the digital environment.
Learn about your rights in the digital environment
Council of Europe, Europarat
The leaflet represents a child-friendly and appealing presentation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment.
Combat of the Grey Areas of Child Sexual Exploitation on the Internet
Jutta Croll, I-KiZ
In the network No Grey Zones on the Internet, the Centre for Child Protection on the Internet, the Internet complaint centres FSM and eco,, companies and science have set themselves the joint goal of combating the sexual exploitation of children.
Table of criteria: Typical Features of Manifestations of Posed Depictions
Children in Sexual Poses
Jutta Croll, I-KiZ
Typical Features of Manifestations of Posed Depictions
Table of criteria: Everyday Depictions in a Sexualizing Context
Sexualized Everyday Depictions of Children
Jutta Croll, I-KiZ
Everyday Depictions in a Sexualizing Context
Kaleidoscope on the Internet of Toys
Safety, security, privacy and societal insights
Stéphane Chaudron, Rosanna Di Gioia, Monica Gemo, Donell Holloway, Jackie Marsh, Giovanna Mascheroni, Jochen Peter, Dylan Yamada-Rice, EU Science Hub - The European Commission's science and knowledge service
This paper gives an insight on safety, security, privacy and scocietal questions emerging from the rise of the Internet of Toys, meaning Internet Connected Toys that participate along with the wave of other domestic connected objects, the Internet of Things in increasing the ubiquity of the ICT within our everyday, closer to ourselves and our children more than ever.
Additional content for: Digital Parenting | Digital Games | Internet of Things | Internet Policy | Media Education | Media Usage | Privacy | Social Media
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Eagle-eye on Identities in the digital world
Evolution and challenges
Stephane Chaudron, Henning Eichinger, EU Science Hub - The European Commission's science and knowledge service
This report provides an eagle-eye view on the concept and implications of Digital Identities. After an introduction situating the concept of Identity, the report clarifies its contemporary meaning and proposes a definition of reference. In a second time, the authors examine the consequences of the translation of the concept of Identity into the digital, internet-connected world.
Report of the 2014 Day of General Discussion “Digital media and children’s rights”
UN-Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes
The Days of General Discussion of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (DGD) seek to foster a deeper understanding of specific articles or topics of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by providing a forum for discussion between policy-makers, practitioners and researchers with the Committee. On 12 September 2014, the Committee devoted its twenty-first Day of General Discussion to “Digital Media and Children’s Rights”.
Additional content for: Internet Governance | Youth Protection | Media Usage | UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
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Towards a global indicator. On unidentified victims in child sexual exploitation material. Summary Report.
ECPAT International und INTERPOL, ECPAT International und INTERPOL
This is a summary of a longer study called Towards a Global Indicator on Unidentified Victims in Child Sexual Exploitation Material, published by ECPAT International and INTERPOL in February 2018.
Children's Rights Map
Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Netzwerk Kinderrechte, Save the Children
The map is only available in German language. With the map of children's rights, the monitoring body of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child of the German Institute for Human Rights shows to what extent individual children's rights are implemented and anchored in Germany's federal states.
The Impact of Domain Names on Children’s Rights and Child Safety
Jutta Croll, Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
The presentation explains domain name registration. It shows risks for children and countermeasures.
The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World
As the debate about whether the internet is safe for children rages, The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World discusses how digital access can be a game changer for children or yet another dividing line. The report represents the first comprehensive look from UNICEF at the different ways digital technology is affecting children, identifying dangers as well as opportunities. It makes a clear call to governments, the digital technology sector and telecom industries to level the digital playing field for children by creating policies, practices and products that can help children harness digital opportunities and protect them from harm.
Additional content for: Cyberbullying | Child Sexual Abuse Material | Digital Parenting | Vulnerable Children | Media Education | Media Usage
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Annual Report 2015 of the Centre for Child Protection on the Internet (I-KiZ)
Contemporary Youth Media Protection
Centre for Child Protection on the Internet, I-KiZ - Zentrum für Kinderschutz im Internet
The task of the I-KiZ, the Centre for Child Protection on the Internet, together with youth media protection stakeholders from politics, business, science and practitioners, was to provide a forum for the development of strategies for contemporary youth media protection and the promotion of better protection of children and adolescents.
Annual Report 2014 of the Centre for Child Protection on the Internet (I-KiZ)
Contemporary Youth Media Protection
Centre for Child Protection on the Internet, I-KiZ - Zentrum für Kinderschutz im Internet
The task of the I-KiZ, the Centre for Child Protection on the Internet, together with youth media protection stakeholders from politics, business, science and practitioners, was to provide a forum for the development of strategies for contemporary youth media protection and the promotion of better protection of children and adolescents.
March 2017
Discussion papers: Children's Rights and Business in a Digital World
Carly Nyst, UNICEF
UNICEF is publishing a series of discussion papers on children's rights and business in a digital world, starting with a discussion of Privacy, protection of personal information and reputation rights.
Media Policy Project Blog
Blog: Media and Communications Policy by London School of Economics (LSE)
London School of Economics (LSE)
The Media Policy Project’s goal is to start conversations between policy makers, civil society actors, and media professionals about the latest media research. It wants policy makers to have timely, easy access to relevant research and to the range of views held by civil society. It also works to engage the policy community with research on the policy making process itself. Additionally, it provides tools for anyone looking to stay up-to-date on media policy issues, through the briefings, event calendars, dossiers, and lists of on-going consultations.
Parenting for a Digital Future Blog
London School of Economics (LSE)
How do parents seek to bring up their children in the digital age? What is parents’ vision of their children’s future and that of the wider society? What risks and opportunities will characterise the digital future?
October 2014
Children’s Rights in the Digital Age
A download from children around the world
Amanda Third, Delphine Bellerose, Urszula Dawkins, Emma Keltie, Kari Pihl Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre
In July and August 2014, 148 children from 16 countries, speaking eight different languages, participated in workshops to share their views on their rights in the digital age.
John Carr
In his Blog John Carr discusses how the new technologies change our life. His readers are thereby people whose interests lie in the field of public policy. Among his main topics are Security and Protection, with a focus on the special responsibility towards young(er) users.
EU Kids Online Network
How do children and young people in Europe use the internet, what risks do they face, what opportunities does the internet offer, and how are they dealing with the varying possibilities? What are the similarities and differences here between the different European countries?
Child Rights International Network - CRIN
Child Rights International Network - CRIN is a global research, policy and advocacy organisation. Our work is grounded in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. A world where children's rights are recognised, respected and enforced, and where every rights violation has a remedy.