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Published 01.09.21

In our own words - children’s rights in the digital world

Ansicht: In unseren eigenen Worten - Kinderrechte in der digitalen Welt

This is a child-friendly version of the General Comment on Children’s Rights in Relation to the Digital Environment (2021). It was written by young people between the ages of 11-17 to make it easier for other young people to understand.

It starts by introducing the four principles of children’s rights: non-discrimination, survival and development, the best interests of the child and respect for children’s views and explaining how these can be ensured. Then other childrens rights are explained, including the right to information, freedom and privacy. At the end, the children and young people who wrote this want to emphasize four points:

  1. Children need and want access to the digital world.
  2. Governments should be responsible for protecting children’s rights online.
  3. Parents should be supported in understanding the digital world.
  4. They also said that it was fantastic that there was a version of something that was about them written by and for young people and suggested that this should be done more often.

Direct download (pdf, 0.086 MB)