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Published 22.08.18

Kaleidoscope on the Internet of Toys

Safety, security, privacy and societal insights

Stéphane Chaudron, Rosanna Di Gioia, Monica Gemo, Donell Holloway, Jackie Marsh, Giovanna Mascheroni, Jochen Peter, Dylan Yamada-Rice
EU Science Hub - The European Commission's science and knowledge service
Ansicht: Kaleidoskop des Internet of Toys Sicherheit, Privatsphäre und soziale Einblicke

This paper gives an insight on safety, security, privacy and scocietal questions emerging from the rise of the Internet of Toys, meaning Internet Connected Toys that participate along with the wave of other domestic connected objects, the Internet of Things in increasing the ubiquity of the ICT within our everyday, closer to ourselves and our children more than ever.

What changes and challenges 24/7 Internet connected devices, and Connected Toys particularly, will bring in our Society? What precautionary measures Parents, Teachers, Health Carer but also Industry and Policymakers need to take for protecting our chidlren’s play, safety, security, privacy and social life? Based on which considerations? In whish timeframe?

The paper offers a kaleidoscope of six experts’ views on the Internet of Toys, each exploring the topic and raising questions under a specific angle: Public and industrial discourse; Safety, security and privacy concerns; Social robot-children interactions; Quantified-self of the Childhood; Nature of Play and finally Possible benefits of higher collaboration between research and Internet Connected Toy Industry.

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