Children´s Rights in the German Business Activities
Quelle: Deutsches Global Compact Netzwerk und Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF e. V.
The rights of children comprise much more areas than child labour in the supply chain, such as family friendly workplaces, product security or marketing.
Within the first Germany-wide study on the topic “Children´s Rights in the German Business Activities” 485 companies have been contacted and 100 companies examined with a desktop study.
The central questions are: Which positive effect follows by the consideration of children´s rights? What are companies doing already? What can a concrete realization look like and which best practices result by it?
Customer of the study is the German Global Compact Network (Deutsche Global Compact Netzwerk), financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. UNICEF Germany is cooperation partner in the conduction of the study and accompanied in terms of the content. The study was conducted by the independent research institute mug.
The study is available in German language only.
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