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Education, leisure and cultural activities

The digital environment can greatly enable and enhance children’s access to high-quality inclusive education, including reliable resources for formal, non-formal, informal, peer-to-peer and self-directed learning. Use of digital technologies can also strengthen engagement between the teacher and student and between learners.

The digital environment promotes children’s right to culture, leisure and play, which is essential for their well-being and development. Children of all ages report that they experienced pleasure, interest and relaxation through engaging with a wide range of digital products and services of their choice.


  • Multistakeholder-Dialog zur Altersfeststellung

    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, how old are you?

    Jutta Croll, SDC

    Imagine you have three children aged between 5 and 12. You are worried about which kindergarten and school they will visit when the family moves to the country-side soon. Where and how will Paula, Emma and Laurin be looked after, in which environment will they feel comfortable and how will they get there safely? Which school career will they pursue and how can the best conditions be created for this?

Scientific studies

  • Ansicht: 4. BIK Policy Karte

    4. BIK Policy Map

    The Better Internet for Kids (BIK) Map was created to compare and exchange knowledge on policy making and implementation in EU Member States on the themes and recommendations of the European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children. The fourth report of the series was released in May 2023.

  • Ansicht: JIM-Studie 2021 - Jugend, Information, Medien Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-Jähriger

    JIM-Study 2021 - Youth, Information, Media

    Baseline Study on media-behaviour of twelve to 19 year olds in Germany

    JIM-Study 2021 - Youth, Information, Media

  • Ansicht: KIM-Studie 2020 - Kindheit, Internet, Medien Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger

    KIM-Study 2020 - Childhood, Internet, Media

    Baseline Study on the media usage of six to 13 year olds in Germany
    KIM-Study 2020 - Childhood, Internet, Media

  • Ansicht: miniKIM-Studie 2020 - Kleinkinder und Medien Basisuntersuchung zum  Medienumgang 2- bis 5-Jähriger in Deutschland

    MiniKIM-Study 2020 - Young children and media

    Basic study on Media Use of 2 to 5-year-olds in Germany
    MiniKIM-Study 2020 - Young children and media

  • Exploring effective prevention education responses to dangerous online challenges

    This report on dangerous challenges was authored by Dr Zoe Hilton (Praesidio Safeguarding) with contributions from Professor Gretchen Brion-Meisels and Dr Richard Graham.

    The report has been written in consultation with an expert steering group and we would like to thank them for their expert advice and input into this report: Ximena Díaz Alarcón, Professor Amanda Third, Fabiana Vasconcelos, Jutta Croll, Dr. Maura Manca, Anne Collier, Diena Haryana, Karl Hopwood, Stephen Balkam, Linh Phuong Nguyen, Daniela Calvillo Angulo, and Dr. Najla Alnaqbi.

  • Ansicht: Looking forward: Technological and social change in the lives of European children and young people Report for the ICT Coalition for Children Online

    Looking forward: Technological and social change in the lives of European children and young people

    Report for the ICT Coalition for Children Online
    Blum-Ross, A., Donoso, V., Dinh, T., Mascheroni, G., O’Neill, B., Riesmeyer, C., and Stoilova, M. (2018)., ICT Coalition

    The Members of the ICT Coalition for Children Online have recently commissioned a new report on how relationships between technology and the cultural and social practices and institutions that affect children and young people will likely evolve.

  • Ansicht: FIM-Studie 2016 - Familie, Interaktion, Medien Untersuchung zur Kommunikation und Mediennutzung in Familien

    FIM-Study 2016 - Family, Interaction, Media

    Study on communication and media use in families
    Sabine Feierabend (SWR Medienforschung), Theresa Plankenhorn (LFK), Thomas Rathgeb (LFK)

    The FIM study provides insights into communication and media use in families in Germany. Contents and forms of intra-family communication, communicative patterns of behaviour within the family and media use in the family context are the main focus of this study. Five years after the first FIM study, the FIM study 2016 provides insights into the everyday media life of families with smartphones and mobile Internet. For the FIM Study 2016, all members of around 300 families with children between the age of 3 and 19 were interviewed personally.

  • Ansicht: JIM-Studie 2017 - Jugend, Information, (Multi-) Media Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 12- 19-Jähriger in Deutschland

    JIM-Study 2017 - Youth, Information, (Multi-) Media

    Baseline Study on media-behaviour of twelve to 19 year olds in Germany
    Sabine Feierabend (SWR Medienforschung), Theresa Plankenhorn (LFK), Thomas Rathgeb (LFK), Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest (mpfs)

    As part of the JIM study 2017, twelve to 19-year-olds in Germany were interviewed in addition to the general use of media and their media dealings with regard to homework, learning and school. Altogether, pupils between the ages of 12 and 19 years estimate that they spend an average of 97 minutes on a weekday with their homework (with and without computer / internet), while girls invest much more time with 115 minutes than boys (80 minutes). Almost half of their learning and homework time (45% and 44 minutes, respectively), the 12 to 19-year-old students work every day at home on the computer or on the internet for school. The digital homework time increases with the age of the young people from a good half hour for the twelve to 13-year-olds to a good hour for the full age students.

    Additional content for: Digital Literacy | Media Usage

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  • Ansicht: Kinderrechte und die Rechte junger Menschen im digitalen Zeitalter eine Artikelreihe im Sage Journal; Ausgabe Vol 19, Issue 5, 2017
    May 2017

    Children´s and young people´s rights in the digital age

    a series of articles in the SAGE journal; Vol 19, Issue 5, 2017
    SAGE Journal, SAGE Journal

    In Vol 19, Issue 5, 2017 of the SAGE Journal in the New Media & Society category, there are a number of contributions to children's rights in the digital age.

  • Ansicht: KIM-Studie 2016 - Kindheit, Internet, Medien Basisstudie zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jähriger
    February 2017

    KIM-Study 2016 - Childhood, Internet, Media

    Baseline Study on the media usage of six to 13 year olds in Germany
    Sabine Feierabend (SWR Medienforschung), Theresa Plankenhorn (LFK), Thomas Rathgeb (LFK), Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest (mpfs)

    According to their own statements (assessments), 77 percent of all six to 13 year olds rarely use a desktop PC or laptop. The PC is used by all kids at home, and half sits in front of a PC when they are at a friend’s place. Yet, only two fifths use a PC in school. The probability of PC usage in school is significantly higher for older kids going to secondary school (Haupt-/Realschule: 53 %, Gymnasium: 56 %), than for kids going to primary school (27%).

  • Ansicht: JIM-Studie 2016 - Jugend, Information, (Multi-) Media Basisstudie zum Medienumgang 12- 19-Jähriger in Deutschland
    November 2016

    JIM-Study 2016 - Youth, Information, (Multi-) Media

    Baseline Study on media-behaviour of twelve to 19 year olds in Germany
    Sabine Feierabend (SWR Medienforschung), Theresa Plankenhorn (LFK), Thomas Rathgeb (LFK), Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest (mpfs)

    Within the JIM-Study in 2016, twelve to 19 year olds in Germany were interviewed about their media-behaviour, with regards to homework, learning and school. It also dealt with regulations regarding mobile phones and WLAN at school.

Official documents