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Health and welfare

Digital technologies can facilitate access to health services and information and improve diagnostic and treatment services for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent physical and mental health and nutrition.

They also offer significant opportunities for reaching children in disadvantaged or vulnerable situations or in remote communities.


  • 15. IGF Deutschland, Torsten Krause und Jutta Croll

    Ensuring children's rights in the metaverse through proactive digital policy

    Jutta Croll & Torsten Krause, SDC

    As part of the 15th Internet Governance Forum Germany, the project ‘Child protection and children's rights in the digital world’ held a workshop on the topic of children's rights in the metaverse on 11 September.

  • Ansicht: Umfrage zum Datenschutz von Kindern

    Survey on data protection for children

    Torsten Krause, SDC

    The Indian organisation CUTS International (Consumer Unity & Trust Society) is currently conducting a survey on the topics of data protection and behavioural analysis of young users in the digital environment.

  • Petition gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Kindern

    Petition against sexual abuse of children

    Torsten Krause, SDC

    The organisation BraveMovement has launched a petition calling for far-reaching measures in the areas of regulation, funding and support, the participation of survivors in measures to be taken and action to raise awareness of the issue in the run-up to the first global ministerial conference to end sexual violence against children .

Scientific studies

Official documents