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Respect for the views of the child

Children reported that the digital environment afforded them crucial opportunities for their voices to be heard in matters that affected them.

The use of digital technologies can help to realize children’s participation at the local, national and international levels.

Therefore, awareness of, and access to, digital means for children to express their views must be promoted and support for children must be offered.


  • 15. IGF Deutschland, Torsten Krause und Jutta Croll

    Ensuring children's rights in the metaverse through proactive digital policy

    Jutta Croll & Torsten Krause, SDC

    As part of the 15th Internet Governance Forum Germany, the project ‘Child protection and children's rights in the digital world’ held a workshop on the topic of children's rights in the metaverse on 11 September.

  • Ansicht: Einblick zur Motivation sexueller Gewalttäter*innen online

    Insights into the Motivation of Sexual Abuse Offenders Online

    Yonca Ekinci, SDC

    The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its accessibility pose complex challenges for those working to combat sexual violence against children online. Reasons for this are the low barriers to using AI. It is possible for offenders to exploit these technologies alone or within offender communities to produce and disseminate depictions of child sexual abuse (CSAM) online.

  • Ansicht: Meldeportal für sexuelle Gewalt online

    Reporting portal for sexual violence online

    Torsten Krause, SDC

    In the INHOPE network, organisations around the world work together to prevent sexual abuse of children and young people in the digital environment and to support criminal prosecution. In order for this to be realised, it is particularly important to find out the extent to which sexual violence takes place online.

  • Ansicht: Umfrage zum Datenschutz von Kindern

    Survey on data protection for children

    Torsten Krause, SDC

    The Indian organisation CUTS International (Consumer Unity & Trust Society) is currently conducting a survey on the topics of data protection and behavioural analysis of young users in the digital environment.

Scientific studies

Official documents